30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 14

Here we are at day 14. I will start with the usual friendly reminder that I’m doing this challenge with the lovely Maggie and Cheila, so check out their responses to the prompts too!

Day 14 is about Favourite Quotes.

Simple enough right? Let’s keep this short and sweet.

First off, here are three that I like to share a lot on this blog (accompanied by amazing typography images I found online)

hi-res image of I've l%23earned that people w%23ill forget what you said, people w%23ill forget what you did, but people w%23ill never forget how you %23%23made them feel.

Image result for maya angelou quotes option

Image result for amy poehler good for her

Gotta throw in a few Harry Potter ones.

Image result for harry potter quotes dumbledore

Image result for harry potter quotes dumbledore

Some Hamilton ones.

Image result for hamilton quotes song

Related image

Hamilton is packed full of amazing songs and quotes. Thank you Lin Manuel Miranda 😀

Some Gilmore Girls ones.

Image result for gilmore girls quotes

Image result for gilmore girls quotes
Image result for gilmore girls once you heart's involved

I love Lorelai.

And finally, a random compilation of quotes I have liked on Pinterest, Tumblr or Google Images.

Image result for inspirational quotes

Image result for inspirational quotes

Image result for inspirational quotes women

Let me end on one I found again recently which I really like. Again, I have no idea who said it, but it’s a nice thought.

Image result for life is beautiful quotes tumblr

What’s some of your favourite quotes? 🙂


27 thoughts on “30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 14

  1. Very nice! Especially the first ones. And it’s always nice to see Harry Potter. I quite like this one: “We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s okay, that’s good, you’ve got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be” – Matt Smith’s doctor

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Natalie! Also, for some reason your comment was in spam 😦
      I don’t know why, but I gotta check that out more often as there’s a few bloggers I often talk to who also get rerouted to spam :/

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love quotes so much, and you’ve done a lovely job with these. I also really like typography so your format is a nice little bonus. Gilmore Girls has the sort of clever awkward insightfulness that I so admire. I really need to go back and re-watch all of it as I only remember bits and pieces- though I remember always enjoying it. I haven’t seen the woman who plays the daughter around much. I could say so much about the quotes themselves, but alas, time ticks. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed them! I quite like the typography posters I found, rather than sharing just the quotes themselves. 🙂
      Gilmore Girls is full of lovely awkward insights as you say XD

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awww I love all these quotes!! My all time favourite quote is : Life is like a camera. You focus on whats important, capture the good times, develop from the negative and if things don’t work out take another shot 😊❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lorelai has such quirky quotes, I love it. Some of my favorites are “your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth, start each day with a grateful heart and spread love everywhere you go let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

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