Well things have taken an interesting turn since I last updated the old blog. There’s a pandemic, and New Zealand is the latest country to declare a lockdown for at least a month. It officially starts on Wednesday midnight, and we have been given 48 hours to prepare. Since we’re spending heaps of time inside, I’ve decided to get back into blogging again as much as I can. I have missed it, so what better time to get back into my creative space than now.

Nothing much has really happened since my last post except for our baby’s 1st birthday! She turned 1 on March 21, which was right in the middle of things escalating in NZ with Covid-19 unfortunately. But we were still able to have a small family party to celebrate this wonderful lady before things escalated.

Although I now realize that I missed my blog’s 3rd anniversary on March 6. Also, March 25 is our 3rd wedding anniversary. Which we weren’t really able to celebrate last year with a newborn, and now we’re in lockdown. But ah well, what can you do?

Throwback to 3 years ago

Naomi is now moving everywhere. She crawls at full speed, pulls herself up to stand, and cruises along everything. She’s also getting good at climbing and often stands up on her own for a few seconds. She eats everything, and also loves to drink both water and milk. We’re hoping she’ll stay not fussy. She sleeps through the night from around 7.30 to 8pm to 7-7.30am which is amazing. Her naps throughout the day though, she fights as hard as she can till she crashes. Two naps normally, one short (30-40 minutes), one longer (1-2 hours).

Absolutely hates being restrained, whether it’s her high chair, buggy, car seat or even when we have to change her nappy. Loves hugs though, and songs, dancing, other babies, books, pictures of people she knows and anything she can climb. She’s definitely a bright spot in all this madness.

I’ve been trying to decide what to do with all this extra time at home. Blogging has been at the forefront for a while. I was looking through old posts and thought about trying to play around with all my makeup again, as I haven’t touched that in a while. Baking, outfit posts, little life updates, DIY things, and other ideas. Just some things to have some fun with. Daily posts are still definitely too much, but hopefully a few a week. In between, I have jigsaw puzzles, cross stitching, and of course games and movies to occupy my time. As well as my husband and baby to chill with.

So yeah, that’s where I’m at. How is everyone doing? I’ll be trying to keep up with us who are still blogging as I’d love to reconnect.

Stay safe everyone. Stay indoors. Be kind. Wash your hands, and all that.


39 thoughts on “Birthdays and More

  1. I think blogging will have a resurgence with spare time on a lot of people’s hands! It’s nice being able to isolate with company and Naomi will certainly provide a lot of entertainment. Take care 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I definitely think so too! It’s nice to have a creative outlet still, otherwise I feel like I’d have waay too much time on my hands. It’s definitely good that we can still connect so many ways online, and still keep each other safe. You take care too 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Belated happy birthday to Naomi! ❤
    Ahhh Angela, I can't believe I remember your posts about being married and now I'm reading all about Naomi's growth! 🙂 More posts to come, please! I definitely missed seeing you here! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jirah! ❤ Haha, it's crazy to think that my earliest posts where about getting married, and now that was three years ago!! It's funny to think we've known each other online for so long 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Carly! And oh my gosh, I know right!! They’re becoming more toddler-ish than babies now, it’s crazy to think soon they’ll be talking, walking and running. We’ll definitely have our hands full with them even more ❤

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  3. Oh my lanta HOW is she a year old?!?! It seems like just yesterday you were announcing that she was born! She is absolutely adorable! And congrats and much happiness on all the anniversaries!!! March is such an exciting month for you! I hope you guys are having in their and stay healthy! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! It feels quite surreal to have a one year old now. March is definitely quite a packed month for us with celebrations, so we’re glad we got to do a bit of celebrating before having to stay inside. Hope you’re doing well ❤


    1. Thanks Natalie! I think quite a lot of us have been busy with our day to day life, so it’s understandable that we leave the blogging world every now and then. Hope you guys are doing well 🙂


  4. Aww your baby girl is growing so fast! It’s unfortunate that your anniversary and baby’s birthday fell under this whole situation but I hope this means more family time and reconnection. So glad you’re back!! I’ve also started to blog more often. What lockdown procedures are NZ doing? Are grocery stores still open?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She really is! It is bad timing, but what can you do? We’re planning to do a bigger celebration for her next birthday, where hopefully this whole situation has been resolved (fingers crossed!)
      I think lots of us will be taking to blogging during this time. It’s good to feel creative 😀
      NZ is doing similar lockdown procedures to other places I think. Only essential services like grocery stores, emergency services, health providers, etc are open. Everything else is shut and we have to stay at home. We’re still allowed to head out for walks in our local areas, but only on our own, or with those in our household. Social distancing and all that. It’s still early days, and our confirmed cases are still relatively low, we’re hoping we can keep it that way.

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      1. Yesss wishing you all the best!

        Same here! I’m glad NZ is taking immediate procedures because many countries underestimated the situation. Wishing you a safe quarantine!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! It has been a while! It’s lovely being able to catch up with everyone. We’re doing well, just waiting to see how this lockdown situation will be, as we’re just starting in it. I’m keen to get back into blogging so I can stay connected online and feel like I’m being productive haha. How are you?

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      1. Italy is in full lock down so we have been stuck at home for 3 weeks now. I’m doing well though, no one I knwo is sick luckily and I’ve been catching up a lot too

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  5. Naww such beautiful photos. Happy Birthday, Naomi! And Happy Blogiversary & Anniversary, too – this is a lot of celebrating you’re racking up for when the world can start to go back to some degree of normality! Stay safe & well all of you ♥
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Caz! Ha, it is funny how many celebrations we had and the timing of all this. We’ll celebrate a lot more next year when things have hopefully returned mostly to normal by then ❤

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