Another random mid week post. So I don’t actually play much of our physical board games anymore. Even before the lockdown, I began playing more games online. Including tabletop simulator on steam, where you can actually play board games online with your friends. It’s a lot of fun. But  I still also love the physical games that we have too. So I thought I’d share the ones Rory and I own.


Everyone has played scrabble right? I don’t think I need to explain how the game works, but basically you make words out of the tiles that you have. We have a travel version that was given by a family member who never uses it. It’s quite handy too, as the tiles actually clip into the board. So if someone accidentally knocks the table, they all stay there.

The Game of Life

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Another classic board game, but perhaps not one everyone has played. I didn’t play this one growing up, but Rory did. You pretty much are a little peg in a car, going through the typical milestones of adult life until retirement. I played it for the first time with him and his family, back in our very early dating days. I liked it, and decided to get Rory his own copy for his birthday. It’s fun to play, and since we’ve had it for the longest, I have lots of memories attached to it. Like Rory getting fired three times in a single game. It was hilarious.

Machi Koro

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Now we get more into the lesser known ones. I spotted this in a shop, and was immediately drawn to the art style. It looked cute, and there was a town. I didn’t get it there and then. But slowly I looked more into it, and kept umming and ahhing about it. You are a mayor, and you have to build a town before the other mayors (players) is the gist of the game. Eventually, Rory got it for me one birthday and we’ve played it a few times. It took me a while to wrap my head around, but it’s pretty fun. I have never won a single game against Rory, he’s always been a better strategist.


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This is another birthday present from Rory. We like games. I had played this with a friend before, and I liked that it’s a co-op. Everyone needs to work together to find the cures and save humanity before it’s too late. Also, it’s kind of funny to mention this game now, given everyone’s current situation. But anyway, this game is fairly complicated, if you’re not into these big strategy games. We tried to bring in some family to play it one Christmas, and everyone was real confused. Anyway, it’s mostly fun to play, sometimes a little stressful.

Settlers of Catan

This was a christmas present I gave Rory. I just realized that all the board games we have were gifted which is pretty neat. This is also the only game you can not play with only 2 people, so we haven’t really been able to play it as much. Which is a shame, cause it’s a lot of fun! You are settlers, competing for resources and trying to build your settlement better and faster than the others. The photos I’m using for this one are from Christmas a few years back where we all played it. We did multiple games over a few days, and it got a little competitive which was hilarious. No bad feelings from anyone in the end though!


So if you’re interested in any of these games, I’ve linked to their wiki page where you can have a better look at how the game works and looks. I do recommend all the ones I have, as they’re all fun! What kind of board games do you guys have? Or what have you been playing during the lockdown?


12 thoughts on “Board Games We Have

  1. I love the Game of Life, although I suspect it doesn’t stand up to much against the modern world we live in and the many types of family.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. oh my gosh so many great games 🙂 board games are my favorite 🙂
    i also have life as well as many other themed monopoly ones haha
    i almost* got catan before we went on lockdown, but a guy at the store recommended onirim instead, it’s a one or two player game, i’ll be talking about it soon on my life blog, i cannot wait to share my favorites lol anyway it’s a card game and it is also strategy based, i just love those games so much 🙂
    i almost got pandemic too then i was like “is this even an appropriate game given the current state of the world?” XD my husband actually played a similar game on his phone but i think the game app was actually you making the virus and trying to wipe out humanity, it sounds really cruel LOL


    1. Board games are the best!
      I think I know the phone app your husband was playing, was it Plague Inc? I have that on my computer and I’ve played it a lot. I’ve ‘won’ heaps, but I haven’t touched it since this all happened cause it feels too surreal 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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