How I Try Stay Organized with Daily Blogging

Hey all. As one of the few daily bloggers out there, I thought I would share more on how I keep myself and Life of Angela on track. I wrote a post a while back on how I plan my blog, and I wanted this to be a bit of an update on it. But first, I’ve been having issues with my reader the past few days. They didn’t show, which was confusing, as I was running around trying to get it fixed but nothing was happening. Then it was fixed all of a sudden. I don’t know. Anyway, glad that seems to be all over. Back to my crazy planning ways.

I use a calendar on my laptop to plan out my blog posts. It’s neater as I can erase and rewrite ideas and keep track of my posts. After that, I write it in my physical planner. On my planner, I keep track of the posts I write, and how they do. I also keep track of stats and all those numbers I try not to focus too much on. It’s quite a nice part of my day writing all this out though.

As I get inspired for ideas, I fill them in my digital planner. If there’s any events coming up, I try to think of post ideas based on them. I have them filled in a few weeks in advance. As time moves on, I shift and play around with ideas, deciding which ones I want to stick in around a week in advance.

During the weekend, I plan out photos, excursions, baking/craft activities, etc depending on when I want the post to go up. Sometimes they’re for the upcoming week, or if I have more time, they’re for the following week. I often plan my videos a few weeks in advance so I have time to edit. Once I have my photos, I do a little bit of editing. Then I start writing the posts for the week. I aim to write two-three during the weekend, but I’m often able to write four-five. During the rest of the week, I write the rest of the posts.

At the end of a month, I tend to look back at the posts and see what categories I’ve covered. If I feel like I’ve done too many of one, or not enough of another, then I change some post ideas around. This tends to cycle through each month, but that’s all I really do to keep organized and keep on blogging everyday!

This may seem a bit extreme considering I also work full time, and still want to be sociable every now and then offline, and honestly, it is a bit draining at times. I do have a love of blogging, but sometimes I do feel like I need to pull back a tad. I still have posts planned everyday till the end of the month, but I’m thinking of pulling back and just blogging on the weekdays from the next month. Just to give me time to devote to my many other hobbies, besides blogging.


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47 thoughts on “How I Try Stay Organized with Daily Blogging

  1. Hi Angela!
    I really admire you and the fact that you blog everyday! That is not easy at all. Sometimes I struggle just to do my weekly post. Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks and for being an inspiration!

    ❤ Alana


  2. I think one of the best things I did for my blog was buy a planner tbh 😂 definitely agree with pulling back a bit & giving yourself the weekends off! I feel like it’s good for creativity & what-not too 🙌🏻


  3. I am so in awe of your organization skills. You should teach a course at Blogging University called how to get your blog life in order. I use to blog daily, sometimes multiple times a day, then I cut down to 2 days and it’s been great to dedicate time to other projects, as you mentioned, and to get a mental break and time for creativity and being spontaneous. Incorporating photo and video requires a great deal of time.


    1. Thanks Lyz! Haha, I am pretty happy of how I’ve been able to run my blog daily for so long. But I do sometimes feel like I’m no spending too much time on my blog and I’d like to start taking some tiny steps back 🙂


  4. Daily blogging must take its toll at times, I think it’s a good idea to give yourself weekends off and blog during the week 🙂 blog planners are so helpful!


    1. I’ve been coping pretty well considering I’ve been doing this for over a year now! Blogging multiple times a day got to be too much when we moved houses as we had to commute. Now, blogging everyday is starting to be a little much, so I think cutting down to just weekdays will help me recharge 😀


  5. I honestly don’t know how you manage to blog everyday! And before that you were even putting multiple posts out a day! You’re a superwoman 🙂


  6. Congratulations on keeping up with daily blogging. I post every third day with few extra posts in between. I think I could never keep up with daily blogging, it seems like I couldn’t do it. xx


    1. Thanks Azra! It definitely requires a lot of commitment and planning, and it’s not for everybody! I’ve just found a routine that works for me, but I do feel like scaling back sometimes 🙂


  7. You inspire me, I’m always amazed at how you’re able to blog every day and still post good and relevant content! I’ve upped my post schedule to 4 days a week and it’s so exhausting sometimes and I only work part time! Plus maintaining a presence on instagram is so time cosuming lol.

    That’s so weird that your reader stopped showing posts, but I’m glad it’s working fine now!


    1. Thank you so much Cleia! Blogging every day does mean I’m spending a lot of time on or just thinking about my blog haha! I’m really proud of how I’m able to keep up the content, but I do want to downscale just a tad! Instagram is still so confusing, I still just post whatever I want on there 😀


      1. Sometimes it’s nice to take a few days off, I took a week off in December after blogmas and it was so refreshing 😄 Do what ever works for you on IG!


  8. I admire how you can blog every day alongside a full time job! 🙂 I’ve basically been working full time the last 5 days and I’ve lost time for absolutely everything! I’m going to have to get down to some serious organisation if I’m going to stay on track and keep posting!


  9. Such great advice! I needed this! Things have been so chaotic, it has been hard to keep up (AND I am an every other day blogger lol) I admire you for daily blogging! You are goals beauty! ❤


  10. I’m three months into my blog and still haven’t quite found the rhythm. My original idea was to dedicate certain content to certain days of the week, but I’m finding my material unbalanced. For example, I have a lot of travel writing material, but not much music or fiction material. I’m trying to figure out a method and schedule that works best for myself and my audience.
    It really is a lot of trial and error, isn’t it?


    1. It does take a while to find out what works best for you. At the beginning, I just posted what I liked and whichever subject. I still don’t really have a niche, but I now do try to balance the many subjects that I cover each month. Keep trying to figure out what works best for you 🙂


  11. Wow, I am truly amazed at your ability to stay organized and blog everyday! I just started my blog this week and I am already having a hard time planning even my second blog post. Your page has given me inspiration so thank you!!


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