Waiheke Island Getaway

As you guys may or may not know, Rory and I have been away the past few days. We went up to Auckland, and Waiheke Island for my sister’s wedding. It was good fun catch up with family, beautiful scenery and some amazing food. Also, lots of photos. Seriously, nearly all of us were busy snapping away the whole trip, that we have a whole shared album on Google Photos and it keeps growing! (I apparently took over 700 photos during the weekend, a new record!)

On Sunday morning, we headed off to the airport for our short flight up to Auckland.  Once we got there, we took a bus up to the ferry terminal, then caught the ferry to Waiheke Island.  By the time we got there, it was lunchtime! We caught up with the family and had some fish and chips.


After lunch, we headed off to our little place we were staying at. It was a neat little studio with some pretty gardens.

Rory and I decided to explore around the village for most of the afternoon.

We stopped by for some gelato. I had lemon and thyme cheesecake and Rory had Coconut and Lime.


Then we stopped by and lay in the sun at Oneroa Beach.

Later that day, we all caught up at the place where the rest of the crew was staying. They had rented a holiday home for a few days, and it was really nice! They were quite high up so they got some good views.

We had dinner together and made the plan for the following day.

Wedding day! We were up and over at the holiday home by 8.30am. Jo had her hair stylist arrive and then florist. As we all ran this way and that getting ready ourselves. By 10(ish) we were ready to go and headed over to Mudbrick.


The wedding was beautiful and sweet, made even more amazing by the place we were in. As I said, we all got snap happy and took lots of pictures. Here’s a bunch.

The food was also incredible. It was four courses, and I tried my best to get through all of them. The whole meal took a few hours, and by the end it was mid-afternoon and no one even considered having dinner.

After the wedding, we all headed back to the holiday home one last time and just hung out together for the rest of the day.

Tuesday saw us all up not so early, as we took a little lie-in before catching the ferry back to Auckland City. Mum, Dad and Andrew headed back to Wellington, while we crashed at Jo and Tib’s place for one more night. Jo and I (plus Rory) decided to head to town to do a little shopping just for fun. We also had lunch out.


I wound up buying a few things, but otherwise I resisted pretty well. In Lush, I got another bath bomb, this time Avobath. At Mecca Maxima I got a mini version of Too Faced’s Natural Radiant Concealer. In Farmers I got the NYX Photobox Primer, and Real Technique’s Miracle Complexion Sponge.

Back at their place, Jo showed me some clothes she wasn’t too keen on, so I have a few new pieces. This white lacey singlet thingy, and this super comfy shirt with some kind of American slogan. It’s soo comfy though.

The next morning, we flew back to Wellington, and now we’re home! That’s it for my little recap of our mini getaway. It was such a nice couple of days, and I have an endless supply of pictures so I’m happy! As always though, it’s nice to come home after being away as well. I have a few more Waiheke Island posts coming up, but I wanted to start off with this recap.


How’s your week been going?


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