Surprise! It’s me again! A few days ago, I was nominated by the awesome Hannah to do this tag. You can find her over at Sassy Girl’s Journey. Go check her out! She was also the one who nominated me for my first ever tag, the Versatile Blogger Award!

Because of the name of the tag, I thought it would be fitting to use a Doctor Who themed image for the featured photo!


  1. Thank the person who tagged you
  2. Set yourself goals for the next year
  3. Write how you’re going to achieve these goals
  4. Tag at least 5 of your blogger friends to do this tag
  5. Then, in 365 days write a post reflecting on your goals and what you have achieved!

Goals for next year:

  • Save up more money

What with our trip to Sydney, wedding, and then honeymoon, I spent a decent bit last year. I want to save a lot more, I won’t set an exact amount, but I do plan to have a strict(ish) budget so I can work on my savings!

  • Do more crafts in general

This goal may seem a bit odd, but I haven’t really done much DIY/crafts projects in ages. I used to really enjoy them, especially scrapbooking, cross stitches and puzzles. So by next year, hopefully I’ve done more.

  • Driver’s license

This is also on my 2017 Goals and Resolutions, but I want to get my full license. This is totally doable, I just have to keep driving often, and within a year, I should be ready to go for it!

I will stick to just these three, as any more seems too daunting XD

So here comes the nominations. You may have already done this tag, or maybe you don’t do these on your blog, so I would like to say again, there’s no pressure to take part. You were just on my mind as I wrote this XD

And finally, I will make a note somewhere, to remember to revisit and update this post on April 14, 2018 😀


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