30 Day Photography Challenge – Days 1-5

So as you guys know, I have a brand new camera which I’ve been having so much fun testing out! I want to work on my photography skills, so I found a photography challenge on Pinterest which I’ve decided to try!

Here are the first five days of the challenge.

Day 1 – Self Portrait


You may have seen this in  my latest OOTD post, but this is technically the first selfie or ‘self portrait’ I took with my camera!

Day 2 – What You Wore

what I wore

On a Monday morning to work, I wore my favourite overalls and striped shirt. It got a bit chilly, so I did throw on a blue cardi as well.

Day 3 – Clouds


There was a lot of picks for this one, clouds are just so much fun to look up at.

Day 4 – Something Green


Again, the river provides some great photo opportunities. I’m glad it’s so close to our new place!

Day 5 – After Dark

after dark

Seeing a bright full moon behind clouds just seemed like a good photo opportunity. Reminds me of something supernatural, or maybe I’ve been watching Buffy too much lately. Who knows? 😀

That’s it for Days 1-5. I’ll post the next five on the 11th!

30 Day Photography Challenge #designerssweetspot

Which one was your favourite?


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23 thoughts on “30 Day Photography Challenge – Days 1-5

  1. That is a very cool challenge! Looking forward to your next set of photos. I also really like your camera case, where did you get it from/ what brand is it?


    1. Thanks Nat! The prompts for the next five days are pretty interesting ?
      I bought my camera bag from JB Hi-Fi. Its an electronics store down here. The brand is Flea Market I’d never heard of it, but I loved the style of their bag! ?


  2. This looks like such an interesting challenge! And your camera takes really good photos – the quality is ace!

    I love your overalls, Angela! I’ve been wanting my own pair but recent weight gain has kept me from buying one hahah. Can’t wait for the next five photos!

    ☼ cabin twenty-four


    1. Thanks Eena! I found a whole collection of photography challenges, it took me a while to decide what to do ?
      I love my overalls! It took me a while to find a pair I like, I tried on a tight one once and definitely didn’t like how it looked ?


  3. What a neat challenge – looking forward to the rest of your images! I love your overalls/dungarees, where did you get them? I’ve been looking for a pair for ages 🙂


    1. Thanks Chanelle! There are some tricky prompts coming up, but I’m loving the challenge! I got them from Recycled Boutique, it’s a thrift store in Welly, and they also import lots of stuff. I definitely lucked out in finding them!


    1. Thanks so much Pearl! Posing is slowly feeling less unnatural to me ?
      Tripods are definitely handy if you like taking photos on your own, but they do take a longer time to set up. I just place it somewhere and take 5-10 pictures, then either zoom in and take another 5, or move it to a different area and start again. The whole process takes me like 30 minutes, but by the end, I’ve got a decent collection of photos I like 😀 I think I’m slowly getting the hang of it too ?


  4. Beautiful pictures, Angela! I look forward to what the rest of this challenge brings. 🙂


  5. Your pictures are ahhh-may-zing!!!! I love photographing clouds, they’re so cool because their never the same! Also that green lush scenery is so pretty! What a picture-esq spot!

    xo, JJ


    1. Haha, thanks so much Jenny!! I’m having so much fun taking my camera out whenever I can. Clouds are just so fascinating, they do make the prettiest backdrop 😀
      I’m so glad we’re close to nature, there’s always somewhere pretty to walk by 🙂


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