Hello!! It’s that time again. Here are my favourites for the month of April. (Can you believe tomorrow will be May? I can’t)


Quick sidenote, I apparently haven’t watched much movies this month.

Beauty and the Beast

So I watched this late, really late. But it originally came out around wedding time so you understand I had other priorities. I really liked this movie though. I’m not actually a fan of the original Beauty and the Beast, I preferred other Disney movies like The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Lion King, Mulan… That being said, I enjoyed this live action retelling. Also, the songs are just as catchy as ever, and Emma sings really sweetly. She’s definitely not a powerhouse but it suits Belle perfectly.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

I loved the first Guardians of the Galaxy. It was so refreshing to see a superhero movie that didn’t take it seriously. The sequel is just as good. We dive more into Quill’s lineage, and we also get to spend more time with Nebula and Yondu which I liked. Basically, even if you’re not into superhero movies, this movie is a lot of fun. It sucks you into the world, and it’s so damn funny. Also, baby Groot does more dancing 🙂


Love on the Brain – Rihanna

This came out last year, but I had never heard it before. I don’t really listen to the  radio, so a lot of music just passes me by. I’ve always liked Rihanna, mostly her dance hits. I came across this on Pandora, and was surprised to find out it was Rihanna singing. It’s such a different song from the usual ones I associate with her. I feel like she showcases her voice here more, kind of like with Diamonds. I can’t get this song out of my head.

Moon River – Melissa Benoist

So I used to watch The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl every week. But around this time last year, I lost interest. I recently found out that they did a musical episode and as a fan of all things musical (and Glee) I was keen to watch it. I loved all the songs in the episode, but this one was my favourite. I love Melissa’s voice, and I’ve had this on repeat since I watched the episode.


Bossypants – Tina Fey

Image result for bossy pants tina fey

I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. I have had 30 Rock on my to watch list forever, and I really need to get on it. I found Amy first through Parks and Recreation, my online search about her led me to Tina Fey. I’ve read “Yes Please” by Amy Poehler a few years ago and I loved it. I found it funny and interesting, like the lady herself. Bossypants was similar. It was again broken up into little sections and followed a thought pattern. It’s how I write my blogs really, so I enjoyed it.

The Girl on the Train – Paula Hawkins

Image result for Girl on the train book

I read a few books this month, most while I was hanging around in airports on in airplanes during trips. I love reading mystery thrillers. Especially if I’m in the right mood, I get so sucked in that I literally can’t put it down and will read it in one sitting. I did this for the bulk of the book. I read a few pages every now and then, then a few chapters in, I sat down and just read. It does remind me a lot of Gone Girl, in terms of unreliable narrators and keeping you on the wrong foot. It made me gasp out loud sometimes with it’s twists and turns, always a bonus.


Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake

Image result for monsters ate my birthday cake

The cutest game ever. The graphics, the characters, the unlockable outfits, even the environments are just adorable. You have to solve puzzles and make your way through the world of ‘monsters’. Some helpful monsters come along as you make your way forwards, and each helps you with their own unique power. The point of this is that you’re trying to get your birthday cake back, at least, that’s how it starts! Definitely try it 😀

Plague Inc. Evolved

Image result for plague inc evolved logo

After returning to work, my immune system got battered a bit. I was battling a head cold for two straight weeks which sucks. You know what’s a good way to spend time when you’re sick? Infect the whole world, and see how fast you can destroy the population. It makes me feel a bit better at least.

Something New

I got a tattoo this month!! This is something I had been wanting for ages. It’s almost completely healed which I’m very excited about! You can read about my experience if you’d like! I’m Getting My First Tattoo! (Part 1) and I’m Getting my First Tattoo! (Part 2)

Let me know what you’ve been enjoying this month 🙂


34 thoughts on “April Favourites

  1. What a fun app, haha! I’m definitely checking that out. I’ve been loving the app Plant Nanny, and for books, that would have to be the Anne of Green Gables series! For music, I’ve been listening to Fallout Boy a lot 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been wanting to read Girl on the Train ever since the movie came out but it’s been out at the library because so many people are reading it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My month has certainly been boring compared to yours. Actually. It’s been boring full stop😯😁
    I enjoyed reading about your firsts this month, and tomorrow, it’s just going to be 30th here.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great April favorites ang! Cant wait to see GOTG. I enjoyed Gone Girl more than The girl on train tho. I dunno if it’s just me but the girl on train is so predictable, haven’t seen the movie yet. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved Beauty & The Beast! Haven’t seen the new Guardians yet but I’ll look forward to that on DVD when it comes out I think. Thanks for sharing the Tina Fey book, I’d not come across that but I’m curious now, will add it to my must-read list! Have a great weekend ♥ x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was such a beautiful movie 😀
      I got into Girl on the Train List, I always have books I want to read, but it takes me ages to get around to them. You’re juggling a lot of books! That’s very impressive, considering you’re also editing your own 😀 😀


  6. I still haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast and I didn’t even know there was a second installment of Guardians. The first one was so good. I love the humor they add to it. What is going on with my life? Thanks for letting me know. I most definitely have some activities for the kids and me this week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha 😀
      I can see how it could have slipped by, a lot of other movies come out and I have no idea they were even getting made. I’ve been keeping my eye out for the second one for a while. It definitely keeps that sense of humour 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. The Girl on the Train just knocked my socks off completely! Loved it so much. I did love Beauty and the Beast too, such a great nostalgic twist to my childhood. And you’re right Emma Watson definitely sings very sweetly, that’s perfectly put. I still enjoyed her performance nevertheless along with the rest of the cast! They did a great job!

    xo, JJ

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