Beautiful Is Tag

Cassi nominated me for this tag! Thanks again lady!

Before we get into this, I need to share the opening from the original post of this tag, created by Kiya over at Flawed Silence.

We often feel ugly.

Because we’re too diverse, too unique, too incredible to be conformed to societies constructions of beautiful.

And it shouldn’t be that way.

Everyone has beauty within them.

It just takes people with an open heart to see it within you. People who don’t allow superficial ideas to cloud judgement.

I see art as a metaphor for beauty. To me art is about perception. People either fall in love with it or not. They appreciate it or not. Try to understand it or see a blank. However, we should all try and be part of a society where our perception isn’t skewed by appearance. But by morals, and character.

That’s why you are beautiful.

I see beauty within you for who you are as an individual.

Beauty shouldn’t be restrained and tied down to physical appearance. Ever.

You’re all beautiful to me.


  1. Link back to this post in your introduction so nominees can get a brief context of the tag. In particular the opening of this post.
  2. Thank your nominee.
  3. Answer the questions (these are some difficult questions)
  4. Tag anyone and let them know – no limit on numbers
  5. Oooh tag it as beautifulistag so I can read them all!
  6. Comment I am beautiful at the end of your post


What is your definition of beautiful?

I never know how to answer this question. Part of me draws a blank, another part either wants to make a joke or say something weird. I’m gonna go with beauty is as a feeling. That feeling is ‘wow’. It can be a person, makeup, an outfit, a view, a thing, an animal. You get what I mean?

What do you find beauty in (abstract or concrete ideas)?

Everything? Little things. Big things. People. Clothes. Environment. Nature. The sky. Comes with being a reckless optimist. I find most things beautiful.

When you think of beautiful, what are the first four things or words that come to mind? 

I mentioned them all before 😀

A song, quote or lyric that you think sums up beauty perfectly

Admire someone else’s beauty without questioning your own. Picture from here.

Image result for admire someone else's beauty without

Tell us seven reasons why you are beautiful

This is surprisingly hard to answer. I’m pretty happy and confident in myself. There are aspects that I would like to improve, or am insecure about. But I’ve been doing well in being confident in myself, how I look, how I present myself, and my life in general is pretty good. That’s all I can think of.

Tell us about a time someone made you feel beautiful. How did it make you feel?

Other than my wedding? I don’t know, to be honest, I just get a thrill when someone (friend or random) gives you a random little compliment. Like if it’s complimenting what you said, did or even what you’re wearing. It makes my day and gives me a boost. I try to do this more now, even though as someone shy it goes against my instinct. But sometimes I’ll randomly say “I like your shoes” or “I like your eyeliner”, and I get a happy “Thanks!” in response. Also if it’s clothes or accessories related, then I normally also find out where they get it from. That whole random support system of compliments is just beautiful in itself.

If you had to draw beautiful, how would it look?

Again, these questions kind of throw me. Beautiful is a concept, so trying to make it more concrete baffles me most of the time. Drawing beautiful to me can mean like really good artists, or I guess you could just look at Pinterest and find some nice typography for  the word Beautiful. Pinterest is awesome for that stuff.

When was the last time you highlighted someone’s beauty to them?

I mentioned this before actually. But the other day at work, I mentioned that I liked their hair. They recently dyed it back to brown as they’d had it blonde for a while but wanted to go back to their roots.


Feel no pressure to take part, I just had you on my mind!

This tag had some not so easy, and sometimes a little confusing questions to answer. But I gave it my best 🙂

I am beautiful.


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