What I Like About Winter

Hello! Now, I know that lots of you guys are currently getting into summer which I am sort of, totally jealous of, as we are just getting started into winter here in New Zealand.

So, I’ve decided to compile a list of things that I actually like about the colder weather seasons. There’s a lot I dislike too, but I’m doing my best to think positive even as I can’t feel my feet. I have come up with 10, which I will now list.

  • Blankets

You get to wrap up in so many blankets. Just roll around and cocoon yourself and never leave their warmth

  • Hot water bottles

Image result for hot water bottles

It’s like hugging fire, but you don’t burn yourself (hopefully)

  • Hot showers

Image result for hot showers

In the summer I always take short showers as I just want to cool down. But there’s nothing like jumping into a scalding hot shower and just standing there for longer than you should cause it’s too warm to leave.

  • Listening to rain


I love listening to rain, when I’m inside. Nice, cosy and warm inside listening to the sounds of rain. Especially when it starts pouring down! I don’t like being in that rain though. Ooh bonus points if it becomes a storm, so you get to listen to thunder too. Like this:

It’s so relaxing…

  • Comfort foods

Image result for winter comfort food

There’s a lot of comfort food I like. But in summer it feels too heavy. I’m talking mashed potatoes, lasagne, pumpkin soup, noodles, mac and cheese. I mean yes you can eat this in warmer weather, but for me it makes me feel weird and sluggish. Eating all this when its colder, I just feel warm and sleepy which is better.

  • Hot chocolate with marshmallows


I’m not a fan of most hot drinks, but in winter, there’s something very satisfying about having a steaming mug of hot chocolate with some marshmallows!

  • Sunny wintry days

Mount Victoria Walk

I’m quite fond of the days where the sun does shine in the middle of winter, as it’s the perfect weather for going on hikes or walks. You don’t get sweaty or feel gross in the heat, because there is none. It’s just mild, which is lovely.

  • Crunchy leaves

Image result for crunchy leaves

Okay, so this is more autumn than winter, but I did this the other day. We were walking on the street and we came across a massive pile of crunchy leaves on the ground. It was so satisfying to walk on every single one of them.

  • Staying in

Image result for staying indoors winter

As a somewhat indoor person, I do feel like there’s less excuses not going out in summer. And yes, there’s lots of fun to be had outdoors and I do enjoy it, sometimes I just want to stay in. No one questions it in winter though, because it’s dark and the sun sets at 5pm, so no one blames you for wanting to stay in to watch tv or just play games.

  • Clothes

You get to pile on layers and layers of clothes when it stars getting colder.Β Coats and Jackets! Cardigans! Woollen tights! Woollen skirt! Woollen socks! Wool in general! Thermals! Boots! Gloves! Scarves! To be honest, my closet always veers more towards colder weather.

These are things that I do like about winter and autumn. Sure it sucks seeing all my American and European online friends going on about beaches and summer trends when it’s only 10 degrees (50 Fahrenheit) right now as I type this, but soon winter will be passing, and I’ll get into the warmer seasons! Then we can swap, and you guys can have the cold 😝 Seriously though, as you guys melt and I freeze, maybe we can do some psychic thing and send each other our weather so we can meet in the middle.

All jokes aside, there are positives to each season, and sometimes making a list like this can really help πŸ™‚


54 thoughts on “What I Like About Winter

  1. Every summer…I find that most of my clothes are for Fall and Winter…in summer, I just want to wear the same 3 or 4 capris or 3 or 4 shorts, a couple of cute dresses! I will throw something on and hope for the best! It is just too hot in Texas to worry about about a terrific summer wardrobe. At least…that is how I feel! Besides… I miss my winter boots so much!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I tend to find that too πŸ˜‚
      I love layers!! But I do want to wear out some cute dresses which are only appropriate in the warmer season as otherwise I’d freeze πŸ˜‚


    1. πŸ˜‚ Winter does have it’s perks. But that’s mostly when you’re inside!! (P.S. I did have a really long hot shower this morning and I feel great!) Winter sucks though when I have to run through the rain, so I will gladly take summer!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Winter is my favorite season. I love getting under blankets, drinking hot chocolate, bundling up when going outside and Christmas is my favorite holiday and my birthday is in Winter as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like this list! Hot water bottles and blankets are so nice for curling up with when you stay in. I feel the cold easily so I always wrap up more than most people. I agree about the winter walks on sunny days, the perfect temperature and walking warms you up πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Winter is sooo bittersweet and as much as I’d prefer not to have winter I would totally miss all of those things! The thought of being “warm, comfy, and cozy” are a few of my favorite things πŸ™‚ Staying in and being snugged in a blanket with some hot chocolate and comfort food….count me in! And also, I feel like it’s totally a good excuse to be lazy and lay in bed for the day lolol

    xo, JJ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, winter definitely has it’s perks. All of these are fun, but at some point I have to be outside in the rain and cold πŸ˜‚ Soon you’ll get your winter, and then I’ll hopefully get some of that warmer weather πŸ™‚

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