Judging from the title, you can guess what this post will be about. They’re all about me! And the strange fashion choices I made. This will be a fun little post for you guys to laugh with me (or at past me, I suppose). A lot of these were deliberately being weird, as I was around my friends/siblings and they brought that out. Some were just cause I liked it, and didn’t care that it made no sense to wear.

As a baby and young child, I don’t think I had too much say over what I wore. But at that age, even if what you’re wearing is crazy, it’s acceptable and cute. As you are a child.

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Look at that fashion icon

As an older child and pre-teen, I chose comfort over style. I was busy running around and falling over. I didn’t care what I threw on, and looked like a run of the mill kid.

But, there is a dark period (lol) from the age of around 14-18 where I wore the weirdest combinations of things I could think of. Let’s have a look.

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I don’t know why there’s a timestamp there. Jo used to have this old digital camera, and we couldn’t work out how to get rid of that date. Anyway, here is Exhibit 1. I was 14. First of all, I remember that the skirt wasn’t always on my head. I liked the red skirt and top, but decided to also add purple trackpants. Why? Also, why did I at some point decide to put it on my head? I couldn’t tell you.


Exhibit 2. Still 14. Not sure why there’s so many layers going on. I seem to have a sweater, a t-shirt, a hoodie, and black jeans. Plus a big blue hat. I also look like I fell in the water. I probably did.


Exhibit 3. Again, I’m 14. Most of the weirdest things I wore (and got caught on camera) seem to be at the age of 14. Backwards hoodie. Some kind of collared singlet underneath. Not too bad of a combo, but why is my hoodie backwards?


Exhibit 4. Still 14 years. I look a little like a mermaid here. What with that red skirt. The pink top with black dots seems like something I would still wear, honestly. The best thing about this photo though is my Tamagotchi. You guys remember those?


Exhibit 5. I’m now 15 years old. No more timestamp, we must have got a new camera. I loved this denim jacket. It showed up everywhere. In classic Angela fashion though, the sleeves were miles too long and had to be rolled up. It’s also the first time we see a shirt with sassy writing on it. I believe this one said “I’ll be nicer to you if you give me chocolate”


Exhibit 6. Still 15 years old. I think this was at a youth group event at my church. My sister and friends are dressed normally. I’m no sure what I’m doing to be honest. I have a huge jacket with the hood on, and I’ve put the lavalava on top of that.


Exhibit 7. Still 15. The chocolate shirt returns, with an added wig. I found this in a $2 store, and I didn’t take if off for the whole weekend. Including walking around town…


Exhibit 8. 15 or 16 I can’t remember now. Another sassy shirt. Helped by the fact that I’ve got my earphones in and listening to my (now ancient) mp3. I could fit 60 songs on that thing.


Exhibit 9. 16 years old. Not too bad of a fashion choice. This was one of our few mufti days. I decided on a Winnie the Pooh shirt that I’ve had since I was 10 and jeans. I just realised that I still own that beige cardigan..


Exhibit 10. 16 or 17 years old. By this point the trackpants are long gone, in favour of jeans. I also now start to wear cardigans a lot (still do in fact). I did also get into wearing hats. That stripy one was my favourite.

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Exhibit 11. 17 years old. Okay, so technically this wasn’t a fashion choice I made, it was my school uniform. I just want to point out how tiny I look in it, and how long the skirt was on me. Mum bought a big one when I was 13, talking about how I would grow into it. Well, joke’s on you Mum, I never grew. I’m tiny and will stay that way forever XD

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Exhibit 12. 17 or 18 years old. At one point, I transitioned from long sleeve shirts with sassy sayings, to t-shirts with funny pictures or images. This was one of the best shirts I ever had. I don’t know where it went.


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Exhibit 13. 18 years old. I mean, I’m dressed pretty normally here. Brown shirt with a monster tree on it, and shorts. Not beach clothes, but normal clothes by my standard. Also, I love this mid-action shot. Am I trying to kick water at my brother, or just skipping weird?

Ang at the Station.jpg

Exhibit 14. 18 years old. Again, another shirt with a cute/funny image. I don’t know about the hoodie though. I think it looked cool when I saw it in the store so I impulsively got it, but it didn’t really go with much of what I currently owned.


Exhibit 15. 18 or 19 years old. This was typical university Angela. If you saw me around campus, I would be wearing a shirt, cardigan (or hoodie), jeans and sneakers. Not a bad look, really. I still wear it now.


Exhibit 16. 19 years old. I loved those brown boots. I wore them constantly. I also started paying more attention to what I was wearing at this point. I put thought and effort into what I wore. It wasn’t too bad really 😀

Exhibit 17. 18-19 years old. I really got into scarves. I almost always would wear one, no matter the weather.

Exhibit 20. 20 years old. I started wearing dresses and skirts. And shoes that didn’t need socks, aka flats. I had abandoned ‘girly’ things like dresses and skirts since I was 7 or 8. But I started eyeing them up again as I began to pay more attention to how I dressed. They always look nice, and make me look more dressed up. This was also around the time I started dating Rory, so looking good became a much higher priority.

From here on out, I still wear the same kind of things. I was a lot dressier when I had an office job. But for everyday wear, I’ve gone back to comfier clothes due to my current teacher job. However, given the opportunity (and weather permitting), I am more than happy to throw on those dresses and skirts.

Anyway, I hope you had fun looking back at some of my more questionable fashion choices. They’re not as bad as I thought, and my teenager self was happy to be her crazy, weird self.



44 thoughts on “Looking Back at my Fashion Choices

  1. I think we all go through some weird fashion growing up, I too did chose comfort over style too. And mixed match different colors. I have set of clothes that i just love to wear wash after wash because I love them so much. That rainbow wig of yours though I cant believe you walk around town with that hehe but i bet you had so much fun wearing that wig?. The one on the beach, sometimes it can get cold so we wear so much layer ?. Sometimes looking back at the pictures i ask myself “what the heck am I wearing” lol but it’s fun to look back. We learn as we get older tho. Look at you wearing dresses and skirts really nicely ??

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! It’s always nice to look back at our past selves. I’m the moment everything has a reason but looking back we’re often wordering what our past selves were thinking ??


  2. You are so brave to go through and show your old fashion choices, I actually love this idea! However, I can hardly even bare to look at what I once wore let alone show it to the whole world LOL But I guess we all go through weird phases and trends so whatever, right haha I’ve been pestering my mom to find some old photo albums so maybe once she digs those up I’ll do a similar post!

    xo, JJ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jenny! And yes, you should go for it!! At the end, just close your eyes and hit that publish button XD
      To be honest, it doesn’t bother too much to show you guys, I was just in hysterics looking through old photos, and I thought it would be a hilarious post idea. Sometimes it’s nice to poke a little fun at yourself 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s so interesting looking back and realising how much you have changed. One of my funniest fashion mistakes, was buying a pair of Tammy trousers that were black, shiny, elasticated…AND have a skirt sewn over the top of them! You were a really cute child by the way! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ?? Both such good choices. I dont know whats happening in Exhibit 6. I seem to be wearing much thicker layers than everyone else. If I remember correct, it wasn’t even cold there ?


    1. The time stamps are accurate! We couldn’t work out how to turn it off on the first digital camera we had, so now we always know what time and date those photos were taken 🙂


  4. I wish I had photos of my “fashion” through the years! I never had a camera of my own until my smartphone haha. I love your style and how it changes. Although I have to say I like your later styles most!


    1. I’m so happy that my family (my mum, then my sister, and then me) were so snap happy growing up! We always had a video camera or digital camera, so there’s lots of footage of me growing up, and evidence of my changing fashion over the years ?


  5. First of all, love the new look of the blog. Pretty cool.

    Secondly, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    Backwards hoodie? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    You and I were pretty much the same when we were younger.


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