2500 Followers! Time for a Q’n’A (again)

Heeeey! So guess what guys! We’ve reached another milestone, but as this one is a pretty cool round number of 2500, I wanted to write a specific post just about it. Rather than squeezing it in one of my pre-planned posts. That does mean, I will have another post coming out later today, so keep an eye out!

First of all, THANK YOU!!Β I had to capitalise and bold that, as I can’t say it enough. So I’ll scream it. Seriously though, I’ve never been prouder of my blog than I have recently. I have been loving all the posts I’m writing. You guys have been really cool about my more thought-filled posts like my recent one aboutΒ My Relationship With Tattoos andΒ Positive Thinking, which I went back and forth on actually publishing for a while. So, thank you all for sticking around and hanging with me on my blog!

Anyway, as the title says, I thought it would be cool to do another Q’n’A. I know I’ve already done these before (twice now), but they’re always fun and I figure it’s a nice way for you guys to get to know me more! I’ll be doing it in blog form instead of video form this time though. As for when I’m going to do it, I’ll aim for it to be up by the time I reach 2600. Then I’ll try think of something big to do at 3000. I’m thinking another blog party, but I was also saving that for when I reach my blogiversary. We’ll save it for whatever comes first.

So, feel free to ask me questions about anything. I’ll do my best to answer them all, so whether you have blog-related questions, serious questions, silly questions, or anything in between, ask away!

I’ll include a bit about this Q’n’A at the end of each post I write until I reach the next milestone, so hopefully I’ll have a fair few questions to answer for you guys!


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47 thoughts on “2500 Followers! Time for a Q’n’A (again)

  1. Ahhh HUGE congrats beauty! So well deserved! So excited (and can not wait to read!) about your travels to Japan, so I was wondering what is the one place you really want to travel too? ❀


  2. Congratulations girl!! You bitch you have surpassed me by far. The competition is on!! Kidding. I’m at 2360 or something. My growth has decreased a lot as I’ve been neglecting the blog since September. Questions: Do you have funny student stories? What baby names do you like but probably won’t use? What marriage advice do you have? If you went back to college what would you study? Love ya


  3. Look at you go! Congratulations on all the readers, and I can see why, your blog is wonderful :):) If there’s one thing you could change about your blog what would it be? What is your most cherished childhood memory? Have you ever wanted to change your name, and if so what would you change it to? Again many congratulations, and thanks for always being so supportive, and encouraging, not just to me but to every one :):)


  4. Congrats on your 2500 followers, Angela! Keep up the great work! I’m excited to reach the same milestone myself one day.

    Keep Shining πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    – Chrissy


  5. What an amazing milestone, Angela! You should be very happy with yourself because your blog posts really have been amazing recently πŸ™‚ And my questions are: what is the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? And what would you consider to be the best and the worst parts of blogging?


  6. Congratulations lovely, your blog keeps growing and I’m so happy about it. My questions are: “What is your favorite season? and “What are your top three favorite things right now (food, drinks, activities, makeup… whatever :)). xx


  7. That’s an amazing achievement! I’m nearing 500 followers, so a way to go before I get anywhere near your total! How long did it take you to get to this astronomical number?


    1. Congrats on your own milestone πŸ™‚
      I’ve been blogging for nearly a year now, but everyone builds their own blogging community in their own time! You’ll continue growing too πŸ˜€


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