30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 7

Hallo again! We’re moving onto Day 7 of the Blogging Challenge. Once again, a quick intro, Maggie decided to do a monthly blogging challenge and encouraged others to join. Cheila jumped on board, and after lots of umming and ahhing, I also jumped on. So be sure to check out these ladies as they do their own responses to the prompts.

Day 7 is about Favourite Activities.

I am a fan of many activities and hobbies. Crafts, baking, reading, music, television, etc. But this post is about favourite activities. These change often, so I will talk about my current favourite activities. So let’s narrow this down by inside and outside.


Blogging, obviously.

I’ve been daily blogging for a few months, and it’s so addicting. I love trying to think up of new blog post ideas. It’s led me to get more creative with my writing, take more pictures, and even get back into baking! It’s also led me to find new blogs, read about and see photos of peoples’ experiences and life from all over  the world! Even though I work full time, I squeeze in blogging as much as I can every day 😀


Continue reading “30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 7”

Our Wedding Highlights

Our Wedding Highlights

This post is going to be a little different.

Regular readers will know that I got married around a month ago (and I don’t stop talking about it lol). If you’ve read Our Wedding, then you already have a fair idea of how it all went down through all my ramblings and pictures. However, we also have video footage of our wedding..

Okay, so, I’ve been going back and forth on sharing this video. It’s personal and while part of me wants to keep it to ourselves, another part of me wants to show everyone I meet. My sister’s fiancee, Tibor agreed to film our wedding (it was kinda thrown on him when he arrived a few days before the wedding), and he was happy to have a role to play. He used my parents little camcorder that we’ve had for a while, and took lots of little clips throughout the day, which he said he would put together into a highlights reel. A few weeks after the wedding, he and Jo sent me and Rory a link on Google Drive. Attached, was a 6 and a half minute highlights reel of our wedding. I was so happy when we first we saw this (I cried as I do when there’s too much emotion happening). We’ve shown it to our families and friends, and everyone loved it.

I talked to Rory and asked if it would be cool if we shared it with you guys too. He said “Go for it”. I share a lot on here, but mostly through pictures and words. A video is a lot more real. It’s not as impressive as some of those fancy wedding videos I’ve seen out there (they’re so much fun to watch though), but to us, it’s beautiful, full of love, and perfect as it showcased all the best moments from our day. The song playing was used for the procession. It’s a cover of Keane’s “Somewhere Only We Know” by Simply Three.

Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into one of the best days of our lives 🙂
