A Week in Outfits

Meg recently did a post sharing all the outfits she’d worn that week. I thought it sounded like fun, so here I am!! Thanks for the idea Meg!


Overall Selfie2


Good old moving day. I literally also wore this outfit on Friday, but I couldn’t be bothered wearing anything special for moving day. I wanted to wear something I didn’t mind getting a little dirty and was super comfortable for moving things around. I wore my grey jumper, black overalls and little ankle boots.



The day after moving, we still had heaps to unpack and spent most of the day in and out. Doing errands like laundry, groceries, and going to buy supplies like mops and shower curtains. So I opted for comfiness. My new pink off the shoulder sweater (which conveniently shows off my mandala tattoo), my light blue jeans and comfy shoes.



We still had the day off, but I felt a little dressier than jeans. So I threw on my favourite grey jumper, blue mini and tights, cause it’s still cold. I also wore my brown boots, but they’re not pictured. Another comfy outfit as this time we had errands to do in town. So I wanted to be comfy, but not a total slob you know?


We had more of a relaxing day planned, filled with just hanging out at cafes and chilling at home, so I had fun dressing up. I got my new Mirrou top and paired it with my blue summer skirt from the July thrift list. I did wear the skirt for a little, but it’s not that warm yet, so I had to change to jeans. But I did really like wearing the skirt till my legs started getting cold.



Our first day back to work. Lucky it’s a short week! I wore a typical work outfit which is a jumper, jeans and sneakers. All things loose and comfy so I can spend all day looking after babies and toddlers. Which I did. I always forget how exhausting my job actually is until I’ve had a few days off. Takes a while to get back into maintaining that level of energy all day.


Another work day. Today I chose my big comfy black cardigan, on top of my Mirrou short and another hidden light cardigan. Of course I wore jeans, and my boots. My work outfits are often dark coloured, for good reason. Things get on them.



The end of another work week. As you guys have probably identified, I like to wear jeans, boots, and a comfy top. Today I went with my zip-up hoodie. I have many go-to outfits for work, and these are a few of them. I never dress up for work, I feel like I would if I worked in an office, but whatever comes to work, I have to be prepared that something will get on it.

So that’s a typical week’s worth of outfits for me. Like I said, it’s nothing too fancy. I focus on comfort and what I can move easily in. If I’m not heading into work, I like to dress up a little more, unless I just feel like staying home all day.

What do you guys wear on a typical day?


8 thoughts on “A Week in Outfits

  1. Monday is my fav but Friday’s boots… Wow!
    My wardrobe has kinda all come into one these days. I used to have a work one and a weekend one, semi casual and full casual. Now it’s all the same. I’m not sure how I feel about this though….


    1. Thanks Hazel! Those boots are my favourite winter boots. They have heaps of wool in the inside so my feet never get cold ?
      I get what you mean. The bulk of my wardrobe is all the same. Mostly casual, comfy things. A few dresses and skirts. I try to only buy things I know I’ll wear, which sometimes feels limiting ?


      1. I know right, sometimes I’m like I wanna spice things up! I recently bought a dusty pink trench coat…. That was kinda rock and roll for me! Im so bad at wearing black and grey!! xxx


  2. The Mirrou top and skirt is my favourite outfit! Sorry it wasn’t warm enough for the skirt yet but the weather hasn’t been very spring-like has it? The overalls are cute 🙂


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